Rock Climbing, Mountaineering & Navigation
Winter Skills Courses
Do you have the desire to take your adventures out in to the mountains in Winter? Want to build the right skills and ensure these days out are enjoyable and not epics.
What is covered
- What to wear and what to take with you on a winter day
- Use of crampons and movement in winter
- Use of the ice axe, including ice axe arrest
- Managing your safety in winter
- Basic winter navigation skills
- Avalanche risk asessment
Introduction to Rock Climbing
Do you have some experience indoor climbing or outdoors but would like to develop your skills? The course will teach you the essentials of rock climbing and build your confidence, experience and understanding of how to keep you and your partner safe at the crag.
What is covered
- How to fit a harness and correctly tie in using an appropriate knot
- How to belay safely, develop belay technique including top and bottom rope belaying
- Movement techniques and understanding the different types of holds
- Lots of climbing and looking at lots of gear and understanding its uses and capabilities
- Interpreting guidebooks
- Abseiling
- And lots of climbing
Learn to Lead Climb
Are you looking to become an independent climber? This 3 day course will get you on your way. Under the watchful guidance of a Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor we will look to develop, coach and give guidance throughout the course, eventually getting you leading routes. Assessing your gear placements, helping you become more efficient at stances and build bomber belays will be just part of the course.
What is covered
• Recap on how to fit a harness and correctly tie in using an appropriate knot
• Recap on how to belay safely, belay from above, lead belay
• Placing lots of gear, looking at modern gear and how to build bomber anchors
• Lead climbing whilst getting 1:1 coaching and supervision
• Interpreting guidebooks
• And lots of climbing
Beginner to Advanced Scrambler
Rope advised?? That common scrambling guidebook reference that can make us a bit nervy. This 2 day course will look at developing your skills to progress onto more challenging scrambles, those that involve the use of a rope.
What is covered
- How to move efficiently over mountaineering terrain completing grade 2 & 3 scrambles
- The use of a rope to keep you and your partner safe
- Taking coils
- How to safely identify and build anchors
- Interpreting guidebooks
- Abseiling and lowering
Self-Rescue for Climbers
Are you a climber looking to take your climbing to more adventurous places? Or a seasoned climber looking to refresh your own personal skills. This 1-day course looks at adding tools to your toolbox for if things were to go wrong. This bespoke course will look at the skills needed to help you deal with a variety of different situations.
• Tying off the belay plate
• Escaping the system
• Assisted and Unassisted Hoists
• Prusiking Up and down a rope
• Lowering a climber
• Lowering and abseiling past a knot
1 Day Navigation Training
Do you enjoy walking in the mountains? Would you like to do more but aren't quite so confident to tackle the mountains alone? Why not come out with us and do some bespoke training and development.
Let us help develop your skills from;
• Understanding map signs & symbols
• Basic compass skills
• Simple navigation tactics
• Estimating time and distance
• Basic contour interpretation
• Relocation: What to do when you don't know where you are
The day will run in a very relaxed manner and learning will run at a pace that suits your needs.
Dan's work in the outdoors and military career has given him a wide range of skills and experiences to deliver bespoke Team Development programmes.